My work for SWITCH II, a collaborative exhibition by professors, teachers, alumni and students of the HBKsaar (Saarbrücken, Germany) in the Center for International Light Art (Unna, Germany).

Wall Text:
How do different kinds and structures of glass affect a light beam? How will it be filtered, distorted and affected by different glass objects? Those were the questions the artist had in mind while experimenting with different kinds and structures of glass. Cloudlight is the result of these experiments. The artwork engages with the interaction between sky and clouds. The latter are often perceived as a negative component, since they conceal the sun. However, in interaction with the sunlight they can create fascinating colour and light moods. Cloudlight hinges on this very interaction. Using a camera and an application to capture the colours of the sky, colour palettes are created and collected at different times of day and seasons. Animations using those exact palettes shall recreate the aforementioned colour and light moods.
The glass brick, the particular design of which bears the name cloud, is the distorting medium for the projection. Brick and projector work together in an interplay similar to the sun and clouds.The resulting structures and figures are reminiscent of the structures of passing clouds and their shadow play on the surface of the earth.